Be Financially Savvy.

Inspired by the second wave of Covid-19, I was inspired to write a bit more about being financially savvy. 

I work in the financial industry during the day, at night I browse the net for the next fashion trend 🙂

I created this blog with the objective of showing people you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have style or to be fashionable. I wanted to join two of my favourite subjects, style and financial tips. 

After years of browsing the web I concluded the majority of the blogs, instagram accounts are of “fashion influencers” posting amazing things, expensive bags, expensive make-up. It’s all about spend, spend, spend.

I have expressed my view about this “lifestyle”. For me it’s bullshit, I am not the brands I buy, but I know this is a personal journey each one of us has to go through. Another negative side of this lifestyle, is that people will go into debt to buy things they actually don’t need.

And this all connects to my “financial side”, women still earn less than men and are more likely to be affected by an economic crisis. Please be aware poverty is a sexist phenomenon, I cannot stress this enough

We are now going through Covid-19 second wave and this will affect many more jobs, work opportunities. Many people will not have money to afford essential items such as food or rent.

Now ask yourself, is your Louis Vuitton bag going to help you buy groceries? Will your Chanel make-up help you pay your rent? I doubt your landlord will accept make-up as payment. 

Since most of the fashion blogs  belong to women it kind of makes me sad that we don’t educate ourselves more on being financial savvy and independent. Poverty affects women more, before buying anything always ask yourself:

  • How is my monthly budget?
  • Have I covered all the essential expenditure?
  • Have I added something to my savings, pension fund?
  • Was I able to pay off some debt?

I know I post a lot of “new stuff” I buy, but know that I never buy anything without checking my personal budget first and make sure I have a surplus to afford that purchase. My essential expenditure is ALWAYS covered. 

Don’t get fooled by instagram photos. Reality is what happens to your bank balance after you click “Add to Cart”.

My name is Franca and this is personal. 

Be safe, wear a mask.

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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