Hats have shape.

I am all for experimenting and trying new things, new perspectives, but there is something I am not willing to budge, which is hat shapes.

Hats have shapes, a structure that should be kept while wearing it, I think this is beautiful.

I have found this amazing page with all the different types of hats, names and shapes: https://fashionsizzle.com/2015/10/24/types-of-hats/, check it out.

Yet, it is very frequent to see people wearing berets, but pulling them so deep in the head completely destroying the shape of the hat. 

If you are wearing a basque beret, then you should keep the rim of the hat inside.



If you are wearing a military beret, these usually have a leather strap rim around it and this yes, should be showing. 

I really don’t get why some people push the berets so dep in their head. What do you think?

My name is Franca and this is personal.

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

Check me out on https://www.instagram.com/franca_personal/

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