Happy purchase

Hello humans, welcome back.

Today I wanted to share with you a happy purchase.

Purchasing something new for me, it needs to have a meaning, a hope. I hope to love the item, to wear it a lot so it serves its purpose. It is a happy purchase when I am super glad with the item, either because of the price I’ve paid, or the item suits me perfectly, or it is something I end up wearing A LOT, or it is something I’ve searching for a long time. Something about that item makes me super duper happy.

A happy purchase I made was a dress from And Other Stories brand. The dress was a collab they did with another brand called Rodarte and it is just an amazing piece. It is fully beaded and elevates a simple wrap dress into a beautiful garment.

As soon as I laid my eye on the piece I had no doubts I wanted to bid on it. I won the bid and only after I decided to investigate what was the  recommended retail price. I rejoiced in finding out the RRP was around £200, when I had paid less than £25 for it.

I love the dress, it fits me perfectly, I can wear it on so many different occasions and it was super cheap.

I hope this post will show you that buying second hand is nothing to be ashamed of, that you can find amazing pre-loved items and that you can save a lot of money.

I am Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

Check me out on https://www.instagram.com/franca_personal/

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