Grace Coddington

Hello humans,

Thank you for coming back to my blog.

Recently I have been feeling a bit down. When I feel like this I like to reach out for inspiration. I seek people that can lift my spirits with their creativity and tenacity. Somehow when I see how other people dealt with their obstacles and thrived, it gives me hope. It shows me this episode I am going through now, it is temporary and therefore there is hope in the future. I may need a moment to recoup, but I will be fine.

I decided to share with you some of the people that inspire me. These people inspire me in many different levels, but overall they do inspire my fashion choices, to seek my unique personal style and be more genuine.

The first person I want to share with you is Grace Coddington. This lady started by being a fashion model and later in life she became the creative directlor of American Vogue. I got to know her at this stage of her life.

This woman has created the most amazing fashion editorials and you can see that she is so cultured and seeks inspiration herself from great painters, other artists. Yes, it is photography and yes, it is just clothes, but she has created pieces of art herself. I leave you in a few examples.

She has written her memoir titled Grace, was published in November 2012. I bought it recently, I can’t wait to dive into her life story. I am sure I will like it, because every time I have heard her giving interviews, she sounds amazing, so educated, secure, everything I hope to achieve myself one day.

As per usual I found a 2nd hand memoir online, to save money but the book is in excellent condition.

You can find Grace on social media platforms, even though she is not a great fan of these

My name is Franca and this is personal !

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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