Iris Apfel

Hi humans, welcome back.

On these series of sharing with you people that inspire me, I want to share Iris Apfel. I love this lady, she is so OTT but at the same time so genuine. This dichotomy really fascinates me.

Iris started a business with her husband in 1950 and she has worked most of her life as an interior designer. She has travelled a lot, she has seeked inspiration throughout the entire world and she has developed the most genuine personal style.

She is so unique that at around the year 2000 she started to get attention from social media platforms, with so many people taking photos of/with her.

She is so known and famous, that at the age of 90 years old she started modeling, she has been part of adverts, brands fight to have her as their “face”. Who would have thought a lady in her 90’s would become a brand’s spokesperson. This comes to show, we really never know what life will bring for us in the future. All we have to do is not shut ourselves off from the world.

I admire Iris  because in this age we live right now where everyone “follows” instagram influences, plastic surgery keeps on the rise, everyone wants to look unhealthily younger, people like Iris show that you don’t have to go with the flock, you can do your thing at any age.

I also like to seek inspiration from people older than me, not 16 year olds on Tik-Tok wearing crop tops. I want to know people that travelled more than me, know more than me, have more life experience than me. Where did we lose the habit of learning from our elders? It doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive, we can learn from younger people and we can definitely  learn from older people too.

Anyhow, I think Iris is living her best life, she has so much joy and that transpires in her style.

Another thing I love about Iris is that she is definitely NOT A MINIMALIST. She has a lot of clothes & accessories, she wears a lot of them at the same time. Yet, it doesn’t feel the clothes are wearing her, she is wearing the clothes. She doesn’t exude being overwhelmed by clothing, she exudes security on her taste.

Iris proudly states she has many designer clothes but she loves to find a bargain and mix everything together. She is so creative, I love it. 

Iris has written a book titled Accidental Icon. Along with other books, I’ve recently bought a 2nd hand copy but in excellent condition. I leave you with a link:

You can find Iris Apfel across social media platforms

What if we aim to be inspirational to the world, even at the approximate age of 100!?!?

My name is Franca and this is Personal.

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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