Franca Sozzani

Hi humans, welcome back.

On these series of sharing with you people that inspire me, I want to share Franca Sozzani.

This woman inspired me so much, to the point of influencing me on the name of this blog! The blog name is inspiration drawn from her name and word play with my native language, Portuguese.

Franca Sozzani started working at Vogue in 1976 and she grew inside the magazine, taking so many different job positions. 

She was know for including difficult topics in a fashion magazine such has domestic violence, drug abuse, climate change, etc.  She was in the frontline of people reshaping fashion publications by introducing these difficult topics, along side with colour palettes and season trends.  Because surprise, surprise the same person who likes nail polish is also interested in reading an article about domestic violence or drug abuse. Humans are complex beings.

Who doesn’t remember the oil spill photo editorial? 

Either you are pro or against it, you have to at least acknowledge that it woke people up, it made people talk about the issue of the oil spills. So this reaction, just by itself, shows how successful the editorial was. 

Unfortunately Franca Sozzani December 2016, at the young age of 66. 

Franca had a amazing personal style, she was quiet and calm. She carried herself with such elegance and refinement, that observing her was a delight. The biggest style statement for me was the fact that she carried her long hair, when we know that usually ladies tend to cut their hair short, after a certain age gap.

I loved her eyes, her smile and her golden locks, she seemed so sweet. But what made me really fall in love with her and it resonated deep inside of me was that she was this polite, introvert lady. But deep inside she was fierce and courageous. Humblingly I see a little of myself in her. 

If you want to fall in love with her like I did, you must watch the Netflix document her son produced.

My name is Franca and this is Personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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