Vivienne Westwood

Hi humans, thank you for coming back.

Following my recent post where I shared my adoration for people that inspire me, today I want to talk about the one and only, the real queen Vivienne Westwood. 

Where do I begin about this woman that inspires me so, so much. She is a rebel, I love her spirit. 

When I was a kid I wanted to be a punk. But then I learned that most punks would live in abandoned buildings, all sharing the same space and I was like “I’m tapping out”. Nhaaa, I really hated my life but I could not let go of having a safe, secure bedroom. I love my bed.

I’ve spent years thinking on how I could express my rebel punk spirit, without falling for the cliches of  mohawks and leather jackets? How could I express my desire to change the world, without being a homeless girl travelling around with a pack of dogs. How could I, by myself, actually change the world, by begging for money and cigarettes in the street? Do have in mind that I grew up in a small rural town in Portugal, my knowledge of the movement at this point was very limited. 

Bit by bit I have learned more about the punk movement and I appreciate it’s contribution to the world and how it influenced so many artists, culture, society, etc. But I also learned that you can be a punk at heart but express your angst and desire for change, in a more productive way. 

Obviously during my researches I had to come across Dame Vivienne Westwood.

In her early years she studdied jewellery and silversmith. In the 70’s she met Malcolm McLaren and started creating clothes he designed. They went on to open their first store in London, called SEX. They eventually separated and Vivienne carried out by herself.

The best description of her design style is this one I read from The Slits Viv Albertine “Vivienne and Malcolm use clothes to shock, irritate and provoke a reaction but also to inspire change. Mohair jumpers, knitted on big needles, so loosely that you can see all the way through them, T-shirts slashed and written on by hand, seams and labels on the outside, showing the construction of the piece; these attitudes are reflected in the music we make. It’s OK to not be perfect, to show the workings of your life and your mind in your songs and your clothes.”

I can write and write about how Dame Vivienne inspires me, but in this post I just want to highlight her spirit, how she has surpassed so many obstacles on her personal and business life. How in her 80’s she still rebels and she instigates change (she is a fierce environmental activist) and how unique her design style is. She definitely makes me think “when I grow up I want to be like her!” . 

If you want to know her a bit more check out the online exhibition at the V&A Museum in London:

Definitely buy her book titled Get A Life!

 And watch the documentary:

God Save The Queen Vivienne.

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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