Period Underwear

Hello friends.

Hope you are enjoying these warmer days of Spring.

I wanted to share my thoughts with you about period underwear. I want to tell you that I like it as a supplement to other methods. I’ll explain.

Roughly about 2 years ago, I decide to start using a menstrual cup and since I was on an experimental vibe, I decided to also try period underwear.

I have trialled them separately and together, and I found that what works best for me best is, wearing them both.

Menstural cup was life changing for me, for the following reasons:

  • You save a lot of time with your personal higyiene, since you can wear it up to 12 hours.
  • You save a lot of money in other menstrual products.
  • It is super easy to clean and maintain.
  • You save the environment, since you will stop sending thousands of used menstrual products to landfills.

I have also tried menstrual underwear by itself, I found that I felt a bit discomfortable. Since my 2nd period that I always used tampons, and even though the underwear does absorb your menstrual blood, after a while I felt the underwear getting wet. I didn’t like that feeling.

Why the combination of the two, is the best option for me?

As some of you may know, I do WT Taekwondo for the last 11/12 years. It is a high impact sport where I use my legs a lot, there is a lot of leg elevation for kicks and body rotation. When I am doing Taekwondo I need to wear good quality, nicely fit underwear so I can perform well. With all the rotation, sudden movements, etc, it would be normal to have a bit of leakage when you are on your period.

In rare occasions I have experienced leakage using the menstrual cup, since my body is moving and so it will the cup inside of me. Since I had already purchased period underwear and they were nice and tight, I use them as complement to the menstrual cup. So even if there is leakage, I know for sure the period underwear will absorb it and not let it spill over my white martial arts suit.

Why I chose to talk about period underwear and menstrual cups in a style blog?

Because personal style is feeling good in your body, feeling comfortable, feeling clean, fresh, active. Anyone who menstruates knows how hard it is sometimes to feel good, during your cycle. Lets’ destroy the taboo and embrace our natural bodies cycles. We can be on our periods and wear white pants!

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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