Authentic Self

Hello humans,

As I browse social media as I browse real life, I continuously ask myself, where are these people?

Where are the people that spend 2 hours doing make-up, that then compress it in a 7 min tutorial?

Where are the people with colourful and vast wardrobes? Because all I see around me is monochromatic clothes?

Where are the people with great shoe collections? All I see is people in tennis shoes or flats, white or black.

As I immerse myself more and more into the web, like Alice in Worderland down the rabbit hole, I come to the conclusion that the majority of people online are living a double life. 

Online they are cheerful and happy, with Barbie face make-up, with amazing shoes & bags, all shapes and sizes. With a rainbow wardrobe.

IRL things are  way more bleak, with people wanting to blend in and not stand out at all, full of fear of other people’s judgement.

I wonder what is the real version of those people, the one we see online, or the one we see IRL? Are people actually “living” online hiding their personal styles from friends and family? Are they living their best life in the hallway where they record their tiktoks? Are they spending $$$$ on expensive dresses, to wear it in their living rooms for 10 mins and then spend their days in tracksuit bottoms?

From my point of view, my real self is the one I live IRL interacting with friends, work colleagues, etc. I spend a small amount of time on social media and what I show is what you see if you were to meet me. If you see a photo or a reel, I do actually wear those clothes. I actually wear the crazy shoes and bags!

Ater years of self-improvement work I’ve decided I am not dimming my light anymore and I refuse to hide my personality, creativity and style. I am real IRL and what you’ll see in my social media feed is an authentic version of myself. I am the real me!

I hope one day everyone feels secure, safe and loved so they can express their authentic self too. 

My name is Franca and this is personal.

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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