Weddings during a pandemic

Hello humans.

Great to see you back here.

Every situation, every event, everything in Life, in the Universe, has a positive side and a negative one.

This pandemic came to disrupt many things, including weddings. One of my best friends had a big wedding planned in Portugal, big guest list, food and entertainment, the works.

A virus showed up and everything we took for granted, was taken from us.

The wedding was postponed.

Then location was changed from Portugal to the UK.

Guest list revised.

Ceremony postponed again.

Finaly after many changes and delays, they were able to celebrate their love and life together and they were able to consumate their ceremony.

After the legal ceremony and during the small gathering and celebration (following social distancing rules in place at the time), many people expressed that actually they enjoyed themselves very much. That it was a more personal experience, closer, genuine and much more relaxed.

The grooms also expressed the same in their toasts, that even after so many changes and delays they really appreciated the party and their guests.

So one of the positive things that came out of this pandemic was the downgrade of massive wedding events.

A wedding originally is the celebration of a couples love and a gathering of family and friends. Why were we so far away from this, with hen parties abroad, dress changes, fireworks, white horses, etc, etc? Where did we care more about the colour of the cake, the flowers, the lettering on the invites, than actually making sure everyone is having fun?

I think the pandemic forced us to come back to the basics in many situations and weddings were definitely one of these situations.

Following the “back to basics” line of thought, I googled alternative wedding “dresses”. Simple, polished, relaxed pieces of clothing that females can consider, instead of falling for the long white expensive dress trap. Here are some suggestions.

My name is Franca and this is personal.

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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