Work event

Hello humans,

Hope you are doing well. I am doing well too.

These past weeks I have had a few events in my life that really made be happy, because I was really craving social interactions. Now that most of the population is starting to get fully vaccinated, it’s becoming more comfortable for me to engage socially.

As per usual, there are long periods when you don’t have anything to do, or you just want to cocoon at home and not interact with anyone (at least I do).

Other occasions there are plenty of stuff happening. It was a bit like this past week, because like I had a work event, plus my best friend visited me in London.

I wanted to share with you some of the photos from the work event. We were told the dress code was casual chic, but I was not sure if my colleagues were going to commit to this. Many times dress codes are asked from the guests, yet people still go in jeans and tennis shoes, which for me it is disappointing. Not in this case, people did dressed up, invested time and made an effort to put on their best looks.

I was a bit indecisive, tried a few options before hand. At least in the UK, you always have to consider and/or guess what the weather is going to be like. If you think it may rain, if it’s going to be cold, or if it’s going to be warm enough not to wear tights and/or sandals. Just because it is Summer, you cannot assume it is going to be dry and warm.

Secondly, I didn’t want to overdress and everyone else around me in normal office clothes. I initially considered a dress, but then remember I had a pair of trousers I bought last year, I hadn’t had the time to wear.

As per usual, I was trying to go for a more sophisticated look, but at the same time work appropriate, plus comfortable so that I could be relaxed and enjoyed the entire night.

I will leave you with some photos from the event. I had a lot of fun and concluded how important these events are for colleagues to bond, engage and lift up a companys’ morale.

My name is Franca and this is personal.

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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