Weekend in London

Hello friends,

As I’ve mentioned recently I had one of my best friends visiting me in London.

Obviously I planned a few activities throughout the city, but above all I wanted us to enjoy each others company and not rush.

Back in the days I always wanted to do as much I could, in a short amount of time. But as I grew older I figured out I was just going through check lists and would be constantly thinking I needed to be in a different place at X hours. I was not fully enjoying the experience.

We went to a peculiar museum because it is the oldest surviving surgical theatre in Europe. It offers a unique insight into the history of medicine and surgery as it is the oldest surviving surgical theatre in Europe https://oldoperatingtheatre.com/. I totally recommend it, it was super interesting.

We also went to a rooftop for drinks, which was also an intense experience, for me at least. It was as if I had been teletransported to a Love Island scenario. I was very intrigued by many of the ladies looks, but at least showed me another side of London I had never experienced before.

I will leave you with some of the photos of the weekend.

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

Check me out on https://www.instagram.com/franca_personal/

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