Week Course

Hello humans, I hope you are doing well.

This summer has been rough for me.

With Covid-19 pandemic, waiting on vaccination, rules being set up and then changed weeks later, it was very hard for me to try and decide for a summer break/holiday.

I knew I couldn’t repeat the same mistake as last year, where I thought things would be resolved soon and I spent 9 months working full on, with no break. I just want to say, it was a stupid decision and hard. Therefore, this year I wanted to take more frequent breaks throughout the year, to take my head off work completely.

Because the rules of travelling in the UK were constantly changing, I decided I would stay in the country this summer. Once I realised it was also hard to travel within the UK, plus prices of hotels in England were sky-rocketing, I finally decided to do something creative in London instead, invest in education and creativity.

My first summer break, a week now in July, I enrolled in a sewing course in University of the Arts London | UAL https://www.arts.ac.uk/study-at-ual , where I’ve learn how to work with patterns, fabrics, and I sew 2 pieces of clothing from beginning to end. It has been an amazing experience that I totally recommend. I think that being creative is very important in ones life and more people should experience it too.

I will leave you some photos of my work, I hope you enjoy. I definitely did.

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

Check me out on https://www.instagram.com/franca_personal/

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