
Hello  humans,

Hope you are having a great day.

The second colour I wanted to discuss with you, is actually not one of my favourite colours. Today I will talk a bit about orange. 

I find that bright orange tones create a not so nice feeling inside of me. I don’t know to what I associate this colour to, but I simply reject it. I cringe when I see someone wearing a big piece of clothing in bright orange. 

I find that bright orange needs to be counterbalanced with a much smoother and calmer colour, like white, beige or maybe brown, to bring the orange a bit down.

Yet, one must not forget that colour tones are very important to consider! I do like softer shades of orange. If I see pastel tones of orange, salmon colour, peach colour, etc, I like it and find it quite warm and it soothes me. I also like orangy earthy tones like clay colours, it makes me feel grounded and safe. 

Here are some of the meanings & feelings the colour orange can transmit:

  • Orange is considered an energetic colour.
  • Orange has one of the strongest measurable physical effects of any colour. Orange stimulates the appetite, increases energy level, and even stimulates the thyroid to boost metabolism.
  • Orange calls to mind feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth.
  • Orange is often used to draw attention, such as in traffic signs and advertising.
  •  Orange is the colour of bright sunsets and fruits such as oranges and tangerines, so many people might associate the colour with the beauty of a setting sun or the refreshing taste of citrus. Orange is also linked to autumn.

I’ll leave you with some of the plants/flowers I observed on the Oxford Botanic Garden.

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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