
Hello  humans,

 Sending you a big hug, wishing your week is going well.

The third colour I wanted to discuss with you, was one of my favourites for years.

From a young age I was attracted to purple. When I was not wearing black, red or army green (this was actually a thing I did for years), I would sometimes dress in something purple. It would break my black routine and in my head it looked as I was wearing bright colours 😀 In my head purple would still be kind of acceptable in my punk/rebel look I was trying to pull.

Now looking back and realising that for years I only wore black, army green and red actually makes me sad. This was such an unconscious way of me trying to explain to the world I was not ok, that I felt sad, that I needed support. 

I am not saying these colours I’ve mentioned only reflect sad and depressing emotions, but when you ONLY have these colours in your wardrobe, there is a subliminal message there that people around you will react.

It is not just the colours you use, the frequency you use them also matters. I still  love black, red and green, all of these are still my favourite colours. But now I explore other tones and I wear them occasionally, not every single day.

Right now, I continue to like purple but I wear lighter shades and tones of purple. I associate it to lavender and because I react greatly to scents too,  the colour makes me feel good and calm.

Here are some of the meanings & feelings the colour purple transmits:

  • The color purple is often associated with royalty, power, and ambition. 
  • Purple also represents extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, mystery, independence and magic.
  • The color purple has a variety of effects on the mind and body, including calming the mind and nerves.
  • Purple is the color of the Crown chakra. This chakra is located at the top of the head and is linked to the crown of the head, nervous system, and the brain, and is representative of pure thought. This chakra connects one with the infinite consciousness. Opening this chakra will help tap into a deep spiritual understanding. 

I’ll leave you with some of the plants/flowers I observed  on the Oxford Botanic Garden.

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

Check me out on https://www.instagram.com/franca_personal/

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