
Hello humans,

Big hug, super happy you are back to my blog.

The fourth colour I wanted to discuss with you is one of my favourites. Green!!

I love green because when I was a kid, struggling with severe cystic acne, struggling with depressive episodes, struggling with self-worth & self-love, I thought the only beautiful thing in my entire body was my green eyes. 

What a sad, sad mindset I had. But I was/am the result of my circumstances, upbringing, education, values and teachings. I was learning how to recognise myself as an individual in this world, I was trying to figure out things by myself and I obviously struggled, like many of you.

I want to gladly shout out to the world that I have changed my perspective a lot. I have spent many hours investing in myself, not only treating my acne condition, but also healing my  heart and my mind. I’m sad when I talk about my younger self, but at the same time I’m so happy about my journey and where I am right now.  It was/is hard, but so worth it. 

If any of you are struggling right now, I want to testify the work is worth it. Do it!

So going back to my 1st statement, yeah I thought my green eyes were the only pretty thing I had,  so I learned how to highlight them. When I started wearing makeup I wore red, purple and orange tones, which are the best to highlight green eyes. I obviously wore a lot of green tops, since anything you wear close to your face, will highlight your facial features. 

My green eyes also react a lot to sunlight. In a gloomy country such as the UK, they don’t pop as much and most of the time people think I have brown eyes, just because the green gets really dark.

When I lived in Portugal or if I’m in a country with lots of sun or at the beach, my green eyes  really pop and sometimes I have these lizard type of eyes. It is so cool, I really miss having these summer eyes, as I call it.

Nowadays, in regards to clothing, I still love green but I moved away from darker tones. I don’t have any army green in my closet, but in recent years I fell in love with mint green. I love it, it reminds me of peppermint, something fresh and light.

Here are some of the meanings and feelings the colour green transmits:

  • Green often symbolizes nature. It is thought to represent tranquillity. 
  • Other common associations with the colour green are money, good luck, health.
  • In ancient mythology, green was used to reference the fertility of the earth as well as the fertility of women.
  • Studies have shown that the colour green may inspire creativity.
  •  Green is thought to relieve stress and help heal.
  • It has been found that green can even improve reading ability. In one study, a green light environment improved reading ability in participants, whereas a red light environment reduced reading ability.
  • Shades of green found in nature may help put us at ease in a new place. For this reason, designers often feature the colour green in public spaces like restaurants.

I’ll leave you with some of the plants/flowers I observed in the Oxford Botanic Garden.

My name is Franca and this is personal!

Published by Franca Personal Style Consultancy

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