Perfection, our silent enemy.

Hi humans, hear this. Perfection can be detrimental for us. For years I didn’t do things, I didn’t adventure myself into new projects because I knew I wouldn’t be able to produce something perfect the 1st time around. This was so, so stupid of me. Anything in life, we only reach perfection with pratice, praticeContinue reading “Perfection, our silent enemy.”

Using credit to pay for clothing

Let me be very clear in my first sentence, I am against it.  I work in the financial industry for the last 13 years, dealing directly with people in financial difficulties. This is my day job and I see everyday the consequences of overspending and poor money management on peoples’ lives. The only situation IContinue reading “Using credit to pay for clothing”

Designer bags. I am so much more than this.

Every since I moved to London I started to realize how popular designer bags are, and how attached to them women are. There they go, in their early commute to work, holding their most precious thing, barely waken up. Following my previous post about looking sharp, without the need of flashy items on your wardrobeContinue reading “Designer bags. I am so much more than this.”

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