
Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. My “holidays” were spent cleaning the family house, so we could place it in the market. I spent 5 days of my life cleaning a two storey property, with my mother. It was definitely one ofContinue reading “Hoarding”

Melissa, a love story.

Like Carrie Bradshaw had a love affair w/ Manolo Blahniks’, I have an affordable love affair with a brand called Melissa. I want to say that my review is not sponsored or paid. This is my honest review of a  brand that I think deserves the accolades.  In a nutshell, Melissa is a brazilian brandContinue reading “Melissa, a love story.”

Deciding to wear a uniform on working days.

This post is not about mandatory uniforms. I am talking about people who choose to wear the same look for work, everyday, by choice. I guess this started to be popularized by the ascension of Steve Jobs, as the business grew and bigger audiences started to realise he wore the same look everyday. Blue jeans,Continue reading “Deciding to wear a uniform on working days.”

Women’s styles in the workplace.

Is part of the human condition to judge. We all judge over people’s style, appearance, hairstyle, etc. It is a survival instinct tool, we have it ingrained in our brains.  The one thing we need to train ourselves is not to let our judgement stop us from actually knowing that person, enquiring about their qualitiesContinue reading “Women’s styles in the workplace.”

Personal Style walks hand in hand with Self-Esteem.

Personal style is a journey, so is self-esteem. I truly believe one cannot evolve without the other. For me it is the same as the existential question of who came first, the chicken or the egg? Nobody likes having low self-esteem, one of the most important decisions I made in my life was “I don’tContinue reading “Personal Style walks hand in hand with Self-Esteem.”

The evolution of Personal Style.

Personal style is a journey. My understanding and my personal experience is that your style changes as you move in life and this is Ok. Many times in my life I felt conflicted about this “Am I changing? Am I being true to myself? Will people judge me?” The answer to all these questions are:Continue reading “The evolution of Personal Style.”

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